Monday, September 12, 2005

Safety Watch heading south

"Our paramedic group may be deploying south for hurricane relief soon. If so, I will send along info from the field on what safety items I discover in the zone."

I received this email from Al Kalbach, President, Safety Watch, Inc., who happens to be one of the leading business partners in's SafetyZone program. Good luck, Al, and please, keep us posted.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Helmets! Helmets! Helmets! No-where!

Ok, who's worse -- the construction industry or bike riders???

I mentioned the 20 construction workers in my neghorhood without helmets; well, I am not kidding you here, I rode this morning for couple hours on the W&OD trail in Loudoun County VA and I counted 58 people w/out helmets. Why are people sooo opposed to wearing helmets? I don't get it!

I'll tell you a secret -- I ain't got no hair. (There, I said it.) So I don't understand the ruining a finely coiffured mop thing. But in the balance of protecting your brain or protecting you hairdo, which should be winning?

Do we need an OSHA 10-hour or PPE course online for bikers? We'll we have them for construction. Bottom line: how do you get people to wear helmets?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Thanks, Ralph, but no more Mr. Nice Guy

Can anyone tell me why so many people in the field don't have helmets?! Work gloves!? Steel toed boots?!

It drives me nuts; there are countless workers in my neighborhood alone -- Verizon installers, guys putting in a county pool, residential builders; jeez you name it, not even the most basic PPE. What gives employers?! I could post 20 pictures a day of guys with absolutely no PPE in place.

How do you get your people to wear their PPE -- or don't you provide it?

Safety Blog is Up!

Yeehaw, the first official blog devoted strictly to construction safety is here -- SafetyBlog. Tips, best practices, content -- usable stuff -- for you to take back to your operations and have an impact - financial and human.

We are devoting our first post to a client of multiple years -- DPR Construction, specifically Ralph Brasfield, the safety manager in the Mid-Atlantic region. Ralph and his teams have been using hand-held inspection software tools for years -- way ahead of the curve. Per Ralph: "
Safety is an issue of critical importance in the industry." Also, "I can look at a lot of information to evaluate performance. These audits were done by many team members."

Way to go Ralph! Thanks for keeping your teams safe and allowing up to tell your story.