Monday, February 13, 2006

Polar Bear Club for 5-year Olds

Whoosh, ugghh, ahhh, Daaaaaaddddy, ohhhh, SPLASH! The sounds of the latest inductee joining the ranks of the polar bear club.

I felt so good - not walking up the sledding track like the other over-the-hill 40-something dads -- I was running up the sledding track, time after time after time. I could feel that sweet burn in my quads and lithesome tautness in my hammies. The hours spent with Bianchi in the trainer and Chris Charmichael in the VCR were paying off.

Then, in a flash, Son #2 is flying down the hill ... too far to the right for me to catch him ... got past ... get him before the lake ... got the sled ... not the boy ... SPLASH! Waist deep in Cattail Branch.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nerds, nerds, nerds

There are safety nerds; there are coding nerds; here in the DC area, we have politics nerds (lots of them). But now, at the ripe old age that I am at, I am firmly convinced that you will never be successful at anything unless you are a nerd at something. I mean deeply devoted to something(be it safety, writing software, or being a wonk) to the point at which some one else doesn't understand a) what in the heck you are talking about, or b) your motivation for diving so deeply into a topic that you read it, you think it and speak more than anything else, or c) you.

There's another type of nerd that I am trying to become - a bike nerd. Setting up a team for the local MS Ride in May, on the stationary training for hours, even reading Lance Armstrong's War, gift from my bro - the Lance of bros.